No more main page and separate off-site blog.
You can’t tell by looking but we’ve actually changed servers. We’re now running on a much simpler server solution and spending more of our hard-earned money on glass and lighting equipment than on supposed services we never used.
Admittedly this hybrid variation is no longer a blog either. Our posts will look like a blog but unlike a blog we don’t expect you’ll be subscribing to our feed, or feeling like you have to comment on an entry just because there’s that “comment” box staring back at you. That’s right. There is no comment box.
We feel this new design will serve our customers and friends better and will allow us to have more control over the maintenance of our site, and frankly spend less time on the site and more behind the camera.
Oh, yes… we also shot an engagement session today. Denis and Ahyde. Their daughter also came along and was a big help with reflectors etc. It was fun. Can’t wait to see the results and for the wedding coming up!
and yes… as soon as we have some spare time I DO plan on adding the content that dates prior to today. Maybe not all of it, but some of the more interesting stuff for sure.
Let us know what you think about the new design. Go to the contact section and drop us a note!
Ale and Lisy.