I could write a lot of words about Jim and Krystin. I will say this: the day I shoot my last wedding I will probably spend some time thinking back to the years doing this and undoubtedly I will think back to fun clients, the crazy clients, and the most amazing clients. There is no doubt in my mind that these two will occupy a special place… and while it may seem cliche’ to say this I really do hope that we manage to keep in touch, maybe bump into each other when life allows it… anyway, those of you who are reading this are most likely their family and friends, so you know what I’m talking about.
It’s been a long time since Jim first asked if someone would shoot engagement photos for him and Krystin. It wasn’t really supposed to work out either… he was looking for someone in St. Augustine… a full 5 hours away. I volunteered nonetheless figuring I could stay with family in Palm Coast. Life intervened and before you know it I was shooting their engagement in Miami, in gorgeous Vizcaya and then down to South Beach. Oh they weren’t engaged at the time, Jim surprised Krystin in the middle of our “vacation portraits” wink wink. Oh and I hired an awesome photographer friend, Tony Schreiber to shoot the engagement with me… just to make it doubly-epic.
Fast forward what seems like a lifetime and Lisette, Tony (Jim and Krystin decided to go for the “Signature Second” option) and I were on a plane bound for Virginia.

It was such an awesome experience. Walking into the Salon and hugging Krystin as not just a client, but a friend who was getting married that day (we’re facebook friends and had chatted many times about the wedding and about silly stuff as well), and of course meeting her mother and sister and the rest of the bridal gang.

The shot above was taken from outside the Salon. Kudos to whoever keeps those windows clean. Great job!!!
Throughout the set here and of course in the full set that’s now live on the proof site you’ll see some amazing photos by Tony and some epic captures by Lisette… she probably won’t read this, so I’m going to take an opportunity to say how proud I am of the dedication she’s been putting into helping our business take leaps and bounds forward. I won’t identify all the shots taken by them but I’ll point out a few that I really love.
Here’s one Lisette took from the opposite angle that i took the one above:

I loved the idea she had so I had to get a shot of her in action:

Tony’s shot

Tony again

Tony on left, Lisette on right… love them both!

Lisette… ok I’m done identifying shots … and talking for that matter… images until the end, and closing words.

The end.
Thanks guys for being so awesome. Thank you for trusting us with creating a document of this wonderful new beginning. Thank you again to Krystin’s mom who thoughtfully packed a bagged lunch for the three of us as well… thank you to everyone in the bridal party for being so cool to work with, and for not making fun of me for the catastrophic slide down the side of the mountain (LOL). And for laughing at my jokes, and for never getting enough of “Sexy Tiger, Sexy Tiger!”
Alessandro and Lisette
Oh yeah… all the photos are on the proof site. Click here and go to Weddings… and then on to Jim and Krystin’s gallery.